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Outline of Support Presentations-
Job Search Exercises

Every slide in each support presentation listed in order.


Overview of the Job Search Series

  • Goal of the Job Search Series

  • Introduction to the Three Subseries

  • Presentation Format & Learning Outcomes

  • Live Presentation Exercises

  • Live Standalone Exercises


Subseries 1:  Before the Job Search

  • Overview of Subseries Topics


Mental Preparation Before the Job Search

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Job Searches Require Planning

  • Job Searches Take Time

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Factors Influencing Your Job Search Timeline

  • You Will Be Uncomfortable

  • You Will Face Rejection

  • There Is Hope (and Maybe Growth)


Review Your Online Presence Before the Job Search

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Defining Your "Online Presence"

  • Social Media Tied to You

  • "Anonymous" Accounts Are Not Anonymous

  • Google Yourself

  • Securing Your Online Presence

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Reviewing Your Online Presence

  • Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Online Presence

  • What To Do If You Are Unhappy with Your Online Presence


Budget Before the Job Search

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Update Your Budget Now (Not Later)

  • Create a Budget If You Don't Have One

  • Simple vs. Detailed Budget

  • Calculate Your Current Compensation

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Reviewing Budgets


Thinking About Jobs & Job Fit

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Be Job Curious

  • Think About Job Fit

  • Experience or Education as Guiding Factors

  • Use Professional Assessments

  • Perform a Self-Assessment

  • Perform a Network Assessment

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Reviewing Professional Assessments

  • Don't Worry Too Much About the Initial List or Assessments


The Dream Job Myth & Casting a Wide Net

  • Learning Outcomes

  • The "Dream Job" Myth

  • "Dream Job" Disappointment

  • Don't Eliminate Jobs Before You Have Sufficient Information

  • There Are No Dream Jobs, Just Jobs that Support Your Goals

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Reviewing Past Job Likes & Dislikes

  • The "Good Job" Journey


Overview of the Strategic Job Search Plan

  • Learning Outcomes

  • The Six Sections of the Strategic Plan

  • Put the Plan in Writing

  • Be Flexible and Revise As Needed

  • Creating the Plan Might Be Easier than You Think

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Reviewing a Strategic Job Search Plan


Strategic Job Search Plan Section 1 - Start Date

  • Learning Outcomes

  • The Difference Between When You Need & Want a Job

  • Factors Accelerating the Timeline

  • Safety & Happiness Boundaries Impact Your Start Date

  • Factors Decelerating the Timeline

  • Picking a Start Date

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Reviewing a Target Start Date


Strategic Job Search Plan Section 2 - Personal Time Commitment

  • Learning Outcomes

  • The Target Start Date Determines Your Time Commitment

  • Be Reasonable in Setting Your Time Goal

  • A Proposed Time Commitment for Your Consideration

  • Spend Time in the Way That Works Best for You

  • Frequency over Amount

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Reviewing Job Search Time Commitment


Strategic Job Search Plan Section 3 - Geography

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Some Geographic Narrowing Criteria Is OK

  • List of Factors Impacting Your Preferred Job Geographic Location(s)

  • Think Metro Area, Not Just City

  • Large vs. Medium vs. Small Metro

  • Population Growth Trajectory

  • Industry Hubs

  • Professional Network

  • Personal Network, Especially Family

  • List & Rank Your Preferred Locations

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Reviewing List of Geographic Preferences

  • Picking Locations Shouldn't Be Scary


Strategic Job Search Plan Section 4 - Industry

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Defining Sectors, Industry Groups, & Subindustry Groups

  • Example:  Energy Sector

  • Researching the Industry Universe - NAICS, GICS, BICS

  • List of Factors Impacting Your Preferred Job Industries

  • Directed by Education or Experience

  • Stability & Growth Potential

  • Portability

  • Personal Beliefs

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Teaser for Standalone Industry Ecosystem Exercise


Strategic Job Search Plan Section 5 - Companies

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Companies = "Places with Jobs"

  • Sources to Find Companies

  • Learning More About a Specific Company

  • List of Focus Areas for Company-Specific Research

  • Mission & Vision Statements

  • Products & Services

  • Customers

  • Company Size (Headcount)

  • Position in the Corporate Lifecycle

  • Financial Performance

  • Management Bios

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Company Research Activity

  • Compensation, Benefits, & Title Don't Matter Yet

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Teaser for Standalone Industry Ecosystem Exercise



  • Exercise Goal - Show That There Are More Companies in an Industry Than You Might Think

  • Exercise Format


Overview of Job Hierarchy & Titles

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Two Groups:  Individual Contributors & Managers

  • Authority Ranking - the Org Chart

  • Titles Can Differ by Industry

  • Vertical vs. Flat Org Structure

  • Why Manager Jobs Are Hard to Get

  • Understanding Hierarchy Can Help Your Job Search

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Org Chart Discussion


Strategic Job Search Plan Section 6 - Jobs

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Don't Box Yourself In when Targeting Jobs

  • Use Groups to Brainstorm Jobs

  • Groups Flow Down from the CEO

  • Categorization of Operational vs. Support Jobs

  • Sample CFO Operational Support Jobs

  • Sample CLO Operational Support Jobs

  • Sample CHRO Operational Support Jobs

  • Perform a Compensation Gut Check

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Review of Operational Support Jobs


Exceptions to the Strategic Job Search Plan

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Exception #1 - You Don't Have Enough Time to Create the Plan

  • Exception #2 - You Are Limited by a Section of the Plan

  • Exception #3 - There Are No Job Openings at Your Target Companies

  • Exception #4 - Your Offer Is Outside Your Target Job Area(s)

  • Exception #5 - You Need a New Job Immediately

  • Exception #6 - You Found a New Job Too Quickly!

  • There Is No Perfect Job Search Path

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Review of Exceptions to the Strategic Plan


Template Plan Spreadsheet & the "One Sentence Summary"

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Template Strategic Plan Spreadsheet

  • Tab 1 - "Preferences"

  • Tab 2 - "One Sentence Summary"

  • Answer the "Whys" of the One Sentence Summary

  • Tab 3 - "Activities Log"

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Review of Template Spreadsheet & Past Plans

  • Your Plan Document Can Be Unique


Updating Other Job Search Documents & Finding Help

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Update Your Resume (Plus Resume Tips)

  • Update Your Cover Letter (Plus Cover Letter Tips)

  • Update Your References & Who Your References Should Be

  • The References List Is Undervalued

  • Use the References List Proactively

  • Use Cohesive Formatting Across Documents

  • Finding Help with Your Documents

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Review of Other Job Search Documents

  • Tailored Document Updates to Come Later


Subseries 2:  During the Job Search

  • Overview of Subseries Topics


The Employer's Perspective - Hiring Manager, Process, & Timeline

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Shifting Focus to the Employer's Perspective

  • The Hiring Manager & Support Team

  • The Buck Stops with the Hiring Manager

  • Overview of the Hiring Process

  • Employer Operations Impact the Hiring Timeline

  • Hiring Timeline Takeaways

  • Live Presentation Exercise - The Hiring Timeline & Manager Communication


The Employer's Perspective - Risk & Derisk in Hiring

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Hiring a New Employee [You] Is Risky

  • How Employers "Derisk" the Hire - Part I

  • How Employers "Derisk" the Hire - Part II

  • The "Roommate" Metaphor

  • Derisk Your Hire by Determining Employer Concerns

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Discussion of Derisking the Hire

  • Think of It Like an Investigation to Ease Discomfort


The Employer's Perspective - Why They Are Hiring & What They Expect

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Common Reasons for Hiring

  • Determine Company-Specific Reasons for Hiring & Sell Yourself

  • Notes on Hiring Red Flags

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Discussion of Reasons for Hiring

  • Minimum Job Expectations for New Employees


The Employer's Perspective - Your Competition for the Job

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Enter the Competition

  • Competitor #1 - the Job Description

  • Competitor #2 - the Resume Algorithm

  • Competitor(s) #3 - Large External Group

  • Competitor(s) #4 - Smaller External Group

  • Competitor(s) #5 - Internal Candidates

  • Don't Get Discouraged - List of Factors Reducing Competition

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Competition for Jobs


Mental Preparation During the Job Search

  • Learning Outcomes

  • This Part of the Process Is a Mental and Emotional Rollercoaster

  • Use Your Strategic Plan as an Anchor

  • You Can't Control What's Out of Your Control

  • Dedicate Time to De-Stress

  • Live Presentation Exercise - De-Stressing During the Job Search


Develop Your Elevator Pitch Before Networking

  • Learning Outcomes

  • The Four Parts of the Elevator Pitch

  • Length of Pitch + Example Pitch

  • Adjust the Length Based on Audience

  • The Elevator Pitch is Different from the One Sentence Summary

  • Tailor the Pitch Based on Your Audience

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Tailoring the Elevator Pitch for Different Audiences

  • Practice Your Pitch to Ensure Smooth Delivery


Introduction to Networking

  • Learning Outcomes

  • What Is Networking?

  • Networking Is Targeted

  • Networking Can Be Your Job Search Secret Weapon

  • Networking Has Gotten Me Every Job

  • Networking Is a Two-Way Street

  • Ways to Make Networking Less Scary

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Feelings About Networking


Informal vs. Formal Networking

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Informal vs. Formal Networking

  • Informal Networking Examples

  • Advantages of Informal Networking

  • Formal Networking Examples & Advantages

  • Video Networking Tips

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Formal Networking Events


Tell Everyone You Are Job Searching

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Defining "Everyone"

  • Use Your One Sentence Summary to Tell Everyone

  • Live Presentation Exercise - When & How To Tell Everyone About Your Job Search


Introduction to Informational Interviews

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Informational Interview Defined

  • Keys to Informational Interviews

  • Who to Interview

  • How to Find Interviewees

  • Use Commonality to Increase the Success Rate

  • How to Initiate Interviews

  • Be Persistent If You Don't Succeed at First

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Finding Informational Interviewees


Preparing for Informational Interviews

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Research Before the Informational Interview

  • Generate a List of Questions for the Interviewee

  • Tips for Question Asking

  • Be Yourself During the Interview

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Mock Informational Interview


Informational Interview Mistakes

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Mistake #1 - Asking for a Job

  • Mistake #2 - Failure to Ask Questions or to Listen

  • Mistake #3 - Failure to Accommodate the Interviewee

  • Mistake #4 - Failure to Ask for Leads

  • Mistake #5 - Failure to Follow Up & to Say Thank You

  • Mistake #6 - Failure to Keep in Touch

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Mistake Minimization & How To [Appropriately] Ask About Opportunities


Formal Networking Focus

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Types of Formal Networking Events

  • Employer Expectations at Formal Networking Events

  • Event Constraints:  Time, Agenda, & Competition

  • Preparation Before a Formal Networking Event

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Discussion of Formal Networking Events

  • Realistic Goal - Just Make One Connection


Online Job Postings & Recruiters

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Online Job Postings

  • Recruiters - Who Pays Them & What They Know

  • Tips for Working with Recruiters

  • Recruiting Should Be a Two-Way Street

  • Make It Easy for Recruiters to Find You

  • Staffing Agency Note

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Online Job Posting & Recruiting Experiences


Job Descriptions & Applications

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Review the Written Job Description for Confirmation

  • Job Description Elements - Part I

  • Job Description Elements - Part II

  • Job Description Inaccuracies

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Job Description Elements & Inaccuracies

  • The Job Application Process

  • Tailoring Documents Before Applying, Especially the Cover Letter

  • Other Job Application Tips

  • Reasons for a Quick Rejection


Introduction to Job Interviews

  • Learning Outcomes

  • What You Can Infer from Getting an Interview

  • Interview Goals for Both Parties

  • List of Known & Hidden Interviewers

  • Interview Format & Length

  • Other Interview Activities

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Interview Format Discussion


Preparing to Interview

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Confirm Interview Format, Start Time, & Interviewers

  • Research the Company

  • Research Your Interviewers

  • Generate a List of Questions for the Interviewers

  • Practice Answers to Common Interview Questions

  • Use Your Cover Letter to Answer, "Why Should We Hire You?"

  • Practice Answers to Behavioral Interview Questions

  • Focus on Your First Impression

  • Note on Technical Interviews

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Interview Research Discussion & Activity


Interview Day Quick Tips

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Tip #1 - Dress Appropriately

  • Tip #2 - Be Early

  • Tip #3 - Greet Everyone & Write Down Names

  • Tip #4 - Act Professionally

  • Tip #5 - Show Interest

  • Tip #6 - Don't Stress Over Atypical Interview Questions

  • Tip #7 - Ask Questions

  • Tip #8 - Deflect Compensation Questions

  • Tip #9 - Ask About Next Steps & Say Thank You

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Teaser for Standalone Mock Interview Exercise


Questions to Ask the Interviewers & Red Flag Answers

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Ask for More Information About the Job

  • Ask Why the Job Is Open

  • Ask About the Org Chart

  • Ask What Success Looks Like

  • Ask About Challenges in the Company & Job

  • Ask Why You Were Selected to Interview

  • Reflect on Your Interview - What Did You Learn?

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Teaser for Standalone Mock Interview Exercise



  • Exercise Goal - Practice Interviewing Skills & Tips

  • Exercise Format


What To Expect After the Interview

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Employer Scoring & Ranking Process

  • Timeline for Notice of Hiring Decision

  • Decision Status Updates

  • Positives from Rejection

  • Learning from Rejections

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Hiring Process & Status Updates


Subseries 3:  After the Job Search

  • Overview of Subseries Topics


Elements of a Job Offer

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Essential Elements of a Job Offer

  • Get Clarification If an Essential Element Is Missing

  • Other Elements, such as Benefits

  • Get the Offer in Writing

  • The Importance of Communication

  • Introduction to Negotiating Leverage

  • First Leverage Lesson - Asking for an Extension

  • Asking for an Extension Is a Reasonable Request

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Offer Letter Review & Asking for an Extension


Cash & Equity Compensation Overview

  • Learning Outcomes

  • A Universe of Compensation Options

  • Types of Cash Compensation

  • Fixed Pay Definition & Examples

  • Incentive Pay Definition & Examples

  • Nonrecurring Pay Definition & Examples

  • Overlooked Cash Compensation

  • Equity Compensation Definition

  • Understand the Timing of When You Get Paid

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Cash Compensation Discussion


Compensation Comments & Notes

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Employers Use Benchmarking to Determine Compensation

  • List of Factors Impacting Compensation

  • Cost of Living Analysis

  • The Difference Between Pay & Pay Rate

  • Make Sure You Understand Any Compensation Conditions

  • Equity Compensation Pros

  • Equity Compensation Cons

  • Cash Is King in the Total Compensation Package

  • Personal Finance Notes - Budgeting & Taxes

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Teaser for Standalone Job Offer & Compensation Analysis Exercise


Core Benefits Part I - Insurance

  • Learning Outcomes

  • What Is Insurance?

  • Why Insurance Is Important

  • Types of Employee Benefits Insurance - Part I

  • Types of Employee Benefits Insurance - Part II

  • Employer vs. Employee Insurance Costs

  • Who Insurance Covers

  • Note on Employer Insurance Outside of Benefits

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Types of Insurance & Insurance Calculations


Core Benefits Part II - Retirement Plans, Leave, & Mental Health

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

  • Ways that Employers Can Support Retirement Plans

  • Paid Employee Leave - Regular vs. Special

  • Leave Amount, Accrual, & Usage Restrictions

  • Mental Health & Personal Support

  • Core Benefits Complexity & Regulation

  • Benefits Impact Personal Finances

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Retirement Plan & Leave Calculations


Other Benefits & Value Considerations

  • Learning Outcomes

  • List of Other Benefits & Value Considerations

  • You Need Info About Value Considerations to Negotiate

  • Ask for this Information If You Don't Have It

  • Who To Ask for More Information

  • Benefits Can Be a Statement of Values

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Other Benefits & Value Considerations Ranking Exercise


Benchmarking Comp & Benefits Before Negotiating the Offer

  • Learning Outcomes

  • The Importance of Benchmarking Comp & Benefits

  • You're Mostly Benchmarking Compensation

  • Sources of Benchmarking Data - Part I

  • Sources of Benchmarking Data - Part II

  • How to Ask Other People About Compensation

  • Benchmarking Comp Gets Easier Over Time

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Benchmarking Compensation


Offer Analysis & the Decision to Negotiate

  • Learning Outcomes

  • The Four Essential Offer Elements You Should Analyze

  • You Won't Have All the Information, and That's OK

  • Element #1 - Title Analysis

  • Element #2 - Comp & Benefits Analysis (3 Questions to Answer)

  • Reasons for Low Compensation

  • The Reason Doesn't Matter - Negotiate Low Compensation

  • Element #3 - Start Date Analysis

  • Relationship Considerations (Family Feedback)

  • Element #4 - Offer Expiration Date Analysis

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Deal Breakers Discussion


Negotiating the Offer - Leverage, Strategy, & Process

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Employer Reasons for Not Negotiating

  • Negotiating Other Benefits & Considerations

  • Successful Negotiation Depends on Leverage

  • Factors that Increase Your Leverage

  • Your Negotiation Analysis

  • Negotiating Process Overview

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Leverage Discussion


Negotiating Compensation Specifically

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Why Negotiating Compensation Is So Important

  • The Value of Compounding Compensation

  • Important Negotiation Reminders

  • Your Walk Away, Stay, or Leave Right Away Compensation Range

  • Three Compensation Negotiation Strategies

  • Resources for Dealing with Discomfort

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Compensation Negotiation Exercise


Decision Time - Accepting or Rejecting the Final Offer

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Reviewing the Final Offer

  • Ask Others for Feedback

  • Discuss the Final Offer with Dependents

  • The Decision Is Yours & It Might Surprise You

  • Make Your Decision

  • Tell the Employer & Save Documentation for Your Records

  • Use Extreme Caution:  Asking Your Current Employer to Match Your External Offer

  • Live Presentation Exercise - Soliciting Offer Feedback from Others



  • Exercise Goal - Using Offers to Practice the Analysis Process

  • Exercise Format


What To Do After You Accept the Offer

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Stay In Contact with the Hiring Manager

  • Complete Conditional Job Offer Requirements

  • Connect with Coworkers

  • Figure Out Moving Logistics

  • Give Notice to Your Current Employer & Follow the Separation Process

  • Confirm Health Insurance Coverage

  • Take a Vacation (If You Want)

  • Live Presentation Exercise - How to Give Notice of Separation


Final Thoughts on the Job Search Process

  • Congratulations & Thank You!

  • You Probably Won't Do Everything Listed - That's OK!

  • There Is No One Way, or Perfect Way, To Get a Job

  • Job Searches Get Easier with Practice & Time

  • Persistence Pays Off

  • Closing Comment - SUCCESS IS BIGGER THAN A JOB

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